sat here for approximately fifteen minutes looking at this stupid
computer screen, just trying to think of a title of this post and I
just couldn't come up with one. Possibly because the state of my
country has become of such over-weening concern since I returned from
Japan and I cannot seem to think of anything else. I've had some
minor financial things to do that are to be expected when being out
of country, or out of residence for over a month, but that has been
nothing compared to the things I've been reading, seeing and then
trying to process in some way that make any sense at all to anything
I've experienced in American life over some 60-plus years, and I'm
coming up with nothing, bupkis, nada, nichdo; my mind is either a
confused mess or a blank.
it's trying to create analogies with information I'm seeing now from
previous experiences to try and figure out where this is all going
and coming up with either a giant hole, or a huge apocalyptic
nightmare, or pretend I'm some sort of modern-day Kremlinologist
(which I was damned good at, but THIS sucks!) and learning about the
Rasputin-like Steve Bannon and the terribad Jeff Sessions (Really?)
and the less-than mediocre picks for Trump's Cabinet and his choice
for Supreme Court – which 54% of the vote HAD dictated that the
previous President should have chosen, by the way, you stupid
Democrats, it always circles around to looking like a country and a
world, that is close to coming off of the rails.

This is not the REAL cabinet; but the real deal is a whole lot motlier-looking and the people in the real cabinet had on terrible clothes, slouched and looked all together unprofessional, so I found this mock-up on the Indiana Star website of sports figures made up as Trump's cabinet. They'd probably be better than the meatheads he's trying to get confirmed anyway.
truly wonder if our allies and non-allies have ever stopped to wonder
what it would be like to have a less-than great, or even good America
on the planet, as I think Donald Trump is determined to make us, by
looting the coffers of whatever he can loot for himself and his
buddies, with nary a peep from any watchdog agency, Congressional or
otherwise. Although Trump is determined to tell us he's going to
“make America great again”, there's never been any real
indication that it was less than so, and financial and other
indicators bear this out.
very valued and trusted friend has also pointed out to me, that since
the end of World War II, our own war dead has dramatically fallen,
although our engagements in war zones at times may seem profligate. I
am making no excuses for George Bush's hare-brained rush into Iraq
and Afghanistan back in 2003, but with the exception of terrorists
and terrorist-states, such as ISIS, countries have abided by rules of engagement, which have lowered military and civilian casualties
it would seem that our own danger, as during the McCarthy years is
actually from within, at least, that is how I parse it out. Yes, we
have become more divisive and the atmosphere is much more toxic and
bellicose; more than I have ever seen and each time Trump issues an
edict, signs a directive, makes a phone call, or any move at all,
folly and confusion ensues, with back-tracking and alternate facting
all the way.

in the HELL came up with this Orwellian term? An “alternate fact”
is a lie, pure and simple. When Kellyanne Conway babbled some
nonsense about the “Bowling Green Massacre” and then Chelsea Clinton called her on it, what did La Kellyanne do? Bitch at Chelsea
about some Bosnian shit. That right there is called misdirection and
dissembling, and is the first bastion of a liar. What in the FUCK
would Chelsea have been able to do at that time, other than possibly
find Bosnia on a map? She was a school-girl at the time of the
incident and was in no position to be making policy.
never did answer Clinton on Twitter about that; she couldn't because
she made it up out of whole cloth. Two men were arrested in Bowling
Green on weapons charges, but that is a long way from a massacre. The
only thing that died in this fiasco was the truth, and Twitter made
the most of it, with hashtags #BowlingGreenMassacre, #NeverRemember and #AlwaysForget, as
people held fake vigils for the Bowling Green Massacre that failed to
Although I'm laughing at the absurdity of this and thinking
of the millions that would have shown up to Trump's Inauguration had
they not been cut down in the line of fire during this horrendous
Massacre that was not reported on, or at least missed us in Japan, I
DID have to remember, (or is it forget?) that the news cycles in this
country have become notoriously quick and even though I was only
gone a month, it's a damned shame I wasn't here to wear a black
armband, or ribbon or something for a few minutes in remembrance of
the millions slain. Damned shame.
Of course, Twitter, being Twitter, much hilarity is to be had over this nonsense. It's actually a blissful relief and a reminder that all is not dire when you see drivel like this.
is how we veer off into the absurdity of the New Administration. This
is also coupled with the Holocaust Remembrance, that was Jew-free
this year. Thank goodness; they've been hogging the whole thing to
themselves for years and we KNOW other folks died there, too, in some
camps or in battles, or during sieges or something. It was just
insane back then, from September 1, 1939 to August 14, 1945, when we
finally ended World War II. So, we know some holocaustin' was going
on, and it wasn't just Jews, so we just didn't even bother with them
this year.
went the way of Fred Douglass who “has done a really good job”
and more and more people are knowing about him all the time, because
he's done such a really good job. When Trump talked about him for
Black History Month, I completely forgot who he was, and I felt like
ole Freddie was right there in the room with me; Trump did such a
swell job of bringing him to life. I hope we get to here more such
encomiums with such descriptive terms. I cannot wait until he talks
about George Washington Carver, botanist, scientist, and an expert
witness, who, during segregation was routinely called to Washington,
D. C. to deliver expert testimony. He was granted extra time, because
it was thought that he would be “slow”. *snort*
Trump will tell us that he was a really, really good guy, who does a
good job, which would be a neat trick, since Carver died in 1943.

Frederick Douglass? George Washington Carver? Trump's Random Black Guy? Just my hero, Muhammad Ali. All the same to the Donald. I'm sure he thinks Ali "does a real good job, so many people are coming to know him!".
these along with all of the crazy stories about praying for Arnold
during the National Prayer Breakfast, so that he does better on
Trump's show “The Apprentice” and hanging up on the Australian Prime Minister, are mere sideshows, to the main issue itself: where
is America going with Trump at the helm?
also raises more questions; will Trump survive four years, or will he
finally commit an actionable crime that the DOJ will hop on and
appoint a Special Prosecutor to begin Impeachment proceedings? If
this happens then, we will have to put up with Mike Pence for the
rest of Trump's term. Pence will be a good little soldier – I hope – and just try to keep the ship off the shoals.
have been done with the GOP for years; I seldom vote for a GOP
candidate, and it's generally a local one, in the General election,
as I am a registered Independent, but I'm now also done with the
Democrats as well. They have had every opportunity to push back
against Trump, as did Reince Priebus, ex-head of the RNC (him and his
stupid, goddamned, fucking loyalty oath*; that back-fired spectacularly!) and
every other GOP'er who were NEVER, EVER gonna support Trump. From
that evil devil Ted Cruz, to bloated Chris Christie, they all fell
like a bunch of dominoes before the monolithic Communist juggernaut,
much like the oft-maligned Truman Doctrine – which in reality has
proven to be wrong.
*The link is an article written by Jason Linkins of HuffPo and is one of the most lucid pieces of writing on this subject, and I highly recommend you read it, if you don't know much about that part of the GOP's history.
Democrats just basically rolled over and gave up when HRC lost the
election. It was not until their own voter base began to call and email in
desperation and in droves - clogging up Congressional inboxes - and asked them to do something regarding the immigration
ban, regarding the seven states and Muslims, that they were finally
prompted to act. I was already over them. My own Senator, Bill
Nelson, Florida-(D) last tweeted about Gene Cernan's death, until
someone booted him in the ass on Twitter and told him to GET BUSY
(Don't look at me in that tone of voice!). Really? Gene Cernan,
for that, I'm done! Personally I think it best if the Dems just sit
back and let Rome burn. I really think this system is so beyond
saving that we need a good train wreck to shock everyone out of their
complacency and start really taking things seriously. I may not
always sound serious and I'm the last person to let a serious time
get in the way of my funnin', as we say here in Florida. The fourth
estate – mainstream journalism – needs
to be ethical and punctilious in its fact-checking, lest it run afoul
of the fifth estate – bloggers like me
and outliers. We – still speaking as the fifth estate here, need to
be diligent in fact-checking what our politicians and media are
saying and doing and reporting, because truth is a rare commodity in
the political arena and news needs to be fair and unbiased.
upon a time, all the news did was report the FACTS, and
editorializing was strictly held to be a separate function in any
news organization. It's true that newspapers were recognized as
conservative or liberal, but they were restrained in their views as
such and they were open to printing opposing views. Bill Maher made a
very good point about the demonstrations and violence at Berkeley
University over the speech that was to be given by famous internet
troll Milo Yiannopoulos, invited by Berkeley Young Republicans.
Berkeley owns up to the fact that they had an obligation to provide a
platform for Milo to give his speech, and they are right, as is
Maher. Progressives and liberals do not have a right to condemn what
Trump says, hateful as it is, and then
quash another speaker for the same thing. Just because someone gives
a speech that we may label as hate speech, this does not give us the
right to quell the speaker. He/she has that right. For us to defend
the 1st
Amendment, means we defend it all the way, not cherry-pick the parts
we like; this is dangerously close to Trump territory, who already
has a bill in the works that could very well quash parts of the 1st
Amendment. The Fifth Estate is watching this carefully and hopefully,
the Fourth Estate is on this, as well.

This. . . guy. I started a petition for his recall from Marquette County. He is a "family and faith" values kinda hypocrite and a coward. In the face of this heat, he's closed all of his social media accounts, but not before I informed him I was pitching for his recall. Sometimes, the fifth estate crosses boundaries into the third estate (the vox populi, as it were).
Berkeley incident also gave a hapless Michigan GOP gorm, by the name
of Dan Adamini to remark that “another Kent State” would be
timely right about now. Yes, by all means; let's ratchet up the
tension in this country from demonstrations to shooting students.
Then, we can call out the U. S. National Guard, declare Martial Law
and have Missile Parades and we're all done. Curfew's at 6 pm and
you'd better be home from your shitty job at Mickey D's, or you'll be
shot on sight. That's how you fix this country, by God!
this new Administration has fostered this sort of thinking and it is
now rife and seems to be okay. We can legitimatize the KKK and take
them out of their sheets and take away their guns and moonshine and
put them in tweed suits and call them alt-Right, but it's still the
same old White Supremacy crap. Along with this comes the “it's okay
to hate innalekshuals, wimmen and free-thinkers” nonsense, too.
can see why I would go merrily down this road; we're less than three
weeks into The Donald's reign of Terror and the country is in total
upheaval, or something close to it. I am no longer proud to be an
American and am considering where my next home is going to be. My
better 2/3rd's and I have discussed it; lots of muttering over the
phone. We still have obligations here in this goddamned place until
the end of 2017, so we're trying to behave and not bring chaos down
upon our heads before the balloon goes up – another worry. The
Donald and nukes; shudder. Maybe we'll end up on an island and just
play jazz forever.
In my case, my 2/3rds'll make room for some Beethoven, along with some moonlight, and it will be all right.
I've summed it up as well as I know how; I still have little to no
clarity on where any of this is going and it's partly because I doubt
Trump himself knows what he's doing from moment to moment. I feel
better for venting, but that's all. The people I've written about, I
will be watching, via my usual methods, which I never discuss. Just
know that I have some formidable resources at hand and I also have
kick-ass computer skills, courtesy years spent in the trenches at IBM
and Verizon, and a good degree. Again, I'm through with any Dem
currently holding office and will vote against ALL of them in the
2018 elections; too little too late. I' counting on the GOP to
self-immolate by 2018 and we'll hopefully have just seats of cinders
who will miss votes and do about as much as they've done as they did
during President Obama's terms. But, by then, I may not care. Peace
out, and have a good week!