Blogger, realist, clarifier, if there is such a term. Truth teller, who's not afraid to admit I'm wrong. Hellacious, renegade violist and "computer whisperer"; was once accused of practicing the Dark Arts with systems. I'm tougher than most and survived things that would have killed most women. I still love life. I was homeless, now I'm not. No longer in the 'hood. Now, somewhere in the Carolinas. The stories are priceless and endless.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Parkinson's Humor: Apathy and Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's Humor: Apathy and Parkinson's Disease: Definition of Apathy: 1. Lack of passion, emotion, excitement 2. Lack of interest, a state of indifference 3. Lack of motivatio...
Sunday, January 12, 2014
I woke
up this mornin' and got mah self a gun. . . or so go the lyrics from
the opening song, “The Chosen One” of one of my all time favorite
Tee Vee shows “The Sopranos” that ran for 6 seasons on HBO. A
highly-acclaimed depiction of life in the Mob and the toils and
travails of Tony Soprano, an atypically tortured soul who found
himself on the psychiatrist's couch, which is something no
self-respecting mobster, like his Uncle Junior would ever cop to,
much less showing any tenderness towards the women in their lives.
Tony's mother, Livia (echoes of Livia, Tiberius Caesar's mother to be
sure) alternately pushes and provokes her son and then, when he
doesn't see things her way, she tries to have him killed, thereby
creating more crises and situations. The show was ever-fascinating
and the characters vivid and so humanly wrought that I found myself
often rooting for Tony, even knowing that he was a killer.
So much of the human condition, good, bad and ugly was wrought beautifully in this show. The late James Gandolfini brought out the human side of Tony, as well as the absolute stone-cold killer side of him that was seamless and gloriously performed. I was so sad when he died.
So much
in literature, and cinema, television and the arts deals with the
darker side of who we really are. We do this in an attempt to
familiarize ourselves with our inner beast, or beastess, as the case
may be, but we also do this, because dark and twisted characters are
ever so much more fun than plain vanilla good guys. This is why
Superman holds zero interest for me, but I love Batman. Besides, what
good is it, if the only thing you're vulnerable to is something that
comes from another planet and a bunch of guys who are locked up in
the Super Fortress or the Zone of Silence, or are one Lex Luthor have
access to and that's it? There's not a whole lotta play for drama and
exploring the envelope of darkness there, now, is there?
The best
D. C. Comics had was Mr. Mxyzptlk and that was just some jumped-up
leprechaun looking dude who ran around making Supe's life miserable
and teasing Jimmy Olsen and just being a general asshat, until
Superman could trick him into the one thing that would banish him
from the planet earth, and now that I think about it, it's just as
stupid as the whole concept of Mr. Mxyzptlk, Clark Kent, Lois Lane,
Perry White, The Daily Planet, Metropolis and the whole Superman
franchise. But, I'm starting to rant now, what Supey had to do was
trick Mr. Mxyetc. into saying his name, are you ready for it? . . .
Backwards! No Shit! So, one entire issue of Superman, .12 ½ cents
were blown on this nonsense!
I don't remember him looking this evil in the D. C. universe, but everything gets a reboot, and maybe this was for the Marvel appearance or the Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot, which is far afield from where I started out, so investigate at your own peril.
enough, he appeared in the Marvel franchise as well, doing God
knows what; pouring water on Johnny Storm, when he “flames on,” I
suppose. All of this is funny and silly, but I've always been drawn
to the darker characters of Batman. Batman cannot become shorn of all
the fear and angst of the loss of his parents until he can stand and
let himself be surrounded by the thing he fears the most physically; bats, and when he does so, he becomes the thing he feared and only
then, can he become a weapon against the very thing that robbed him
of his parents; his foes, the very best of which was his nemesis as
portrayed by the late Heath Ledger, the Joker, and the trilogy of the
Christopher Nolan's movies of Batman are superb, because of this very
dark take. The Joker is about chaos, and about pitting his brand of
crazy and his brains against the Batman.
It is
powerful stuff, both visually and psychologically, but there is a
reason Nolan hit a chord with his films, because we feel that
viscerally. I don't know a soul alive who can look me straight in the
eye and say, “Gee, it's okay for (fill in the blank) to take my,
steal my, kill my (fill in the blank)” and then, provide me with
some pablum about how okay they are with the aftermath. Bullshit. If they're honest, and tapped that well of horror and rage, that is barely recognizable as human, they will be nearly incoherent with the results. It's what causes PTSD and what every victim of trauma or a rotten childhood has had to deal with. There are NO words. . . for a long, long time, and when they come, they are likely to be something that the listener would rather not hear.
Sadly enough, the release of the 3rd film here in the U.S. saw a massacre in Aurora Colorado, on July 20, 2012. As of this posting, the alleged shooter, James, Holmes, was at first, deemed mentally unfit to stand trial. Several pre-trial motions and filings on both sides were filed, as they each tried to gain the upper ground.
Sadly enough, the release of the 3rd film here in the U.S. saw a massacre in Aurora Colorado, on July 20, 2012. As of this posting, the alleged shooter, James, Holmes, was at first, deemed mentally unfit to stand trial. Several pre-trial motions and filings on both sides were filed, as they each tried to gain the upper ground.
Wikipedia, “On March 27, 2013, Holmes' lawyers offered a guilty
plea in exchange for prosecutors not seeking the death penalty. On
April 1, the prosecution announced it had declined the offer.
Arapahoe County district attorney George Brauchler said “It's my
determination and my intention that in this case for James Eagan
Holmes justice is death.”
was one of those brilliant days in Florida and a great day for a
walk. I had walked to the Dollar Store and lugged home 19 pounds of
kitty litter and V-8 juice yesterday and I needed to pick up a
prescription from the grocery store and get some of my beloved rice
cakes. A brisk mile walk up; chat it up with my buddies in the
grocery store and a nice walk back in plenty of time before dark. A
total of two miles.
When I
go out in public, I don armor, in a sense. I wear heavy boots, braces
up to nearly my elbows, and my usual dark glasses, with my white-and-red 4' 6'' cane. My hair is, long, so is always pinned
back, to make it harder to grab. I typically carry my cane in my left hand, because I hit harder
with my right. I am unarmed, so to speak. You cannot show weakness in
a neighborhood such as this. I don't mince around with the crack hos
and I don't high-five the drug-dealers. They stay on their side of
the street, and I get a respectful nod. We do not fraternize. I do
talk to some of my old shelter mates and the homeless around here who
do need the help and they are here. They are unseen and they are
unseen for a reason. This is a dangerous place. I was reminded of
this today on my way home from the grocery store, and again, this is
why even with a disability, you can show strength and balls and get
away with your life intact.
came at me from two sides, in a pincer movement, as if they may have
studied Stonewall Jackson's cavalry movements during the Civil War,
though I doubt it. I doubt they can read. The peripheral movement
caught my weak, right eye first, and then I saw the 2nd guy on my
left. They were both about 9 feet away from me. They came from a 6'
high shrub that sits on the corner of a Church-Bail Bond-DayCare. I
met them just as I was almost across the street, where the shrubbery
was. I stopped, short of the corner and took one step back and stood
there, with my feet about 2' apart, and looked at them, one first,
then another. I did this several times, without saying a word. I had a bag of rice cakes in my right hand, and my cane in my left, and I struck the ground with it, then pointed it directly at the gentleman on the left. I moved my head to the right, and looked at homie 1, then back at homes 2. I made no sound and no other movements.
This is basically my
golem mode, rather like “Gort” in “The Day the Earth Stood
Still.” I continued to look at them, one first, then another; moving only my head. I was
not scared. 2 black men. Maybe 5'8 or 9, skinny. The guy on the
right had on a brown sweater and light green pants. He broke first. He backed up for several yards, and then went waaayyyy around me. I stepped towards him, now keeping my
eye on guy number 2, who had on a jacket and one of those old-style pork-pie hats, a windbreaker, and git jeans,
'hood style. He stared at me intently. I stared back and slowly
backed away to where his friend had been. Git number 2 started to
follow his friend. He said “Sumpn' wrong?” I looked at him, and said roughly, “Homes, what the fuck? This a high crime area. You 2 gits come
out, like that, what you think I think? Somethin' wrong? Fuck” He
turned and walked a few steps and stopped and turned and looked back.
I was still watching him. I stepped towards him, menacing. He turned and walked a few more steps. I
was still watching. I finally turned and walked a few paces and looked,
and caught him watching me. We were about a block apart, at this point. I watched him until he turned and left and I could no longer see him. It's a dangerous place, this street.
But they
both knew too, that I would not have easily given in, my money, my
little white ass, or my life. That I would have made it really hard
on them and they don't have the guts or the heart to do that. I will
have to call the Church-Bail Bond-DayCare place and tell them to
lower their shrubbery, or actually, just not go by that corner
anymore. I did NOT tell JC. I will tell Alex. The pair will most
likely try to strong-arm some other helpless people, and end up arrested; stupid people like that usually do. The area is normally well-patrolled and we could have played The Alamo Stand Off until the TPD showed up, which would have happened, sooner rather than later in that part of the Nebraska corridor.
I noticed on the way home, other than the fact that I was never
scared, but was just thinking how to out-maneuver them, which any
bright 6-year old could do, was that some kind, kind soul had left
their box of canned goods from Church at the bus stop for some homeless person
near my house. They are the unseen, the ones that hide, because they
have to. Because Nebraska Avenue, 33605 is a dangerous place. There was a shooting just across the street here last week. They
are the ones who have no one to look out for them. I know that feeling
well. I was once one of them. A part of me will always be with them
and for them.
Me, at home, without the armor. Just don't take away my rice cakes.
dark humor,
dark side,
Nebraska 33605,
thought I'd just scribble down a few words here before I go to bed
for my Sunday check in. You see, it's 5:00 a.m. on the east coast of
the United States, and here I am, the infernal bat, unable to sleep.
I haven't written much about my Parkinsonism, or my e.t. or essential
tremor or “Parkinson's Lite” as I call it, because the disease
doesn't have me, I have it, and by the throat if you will. It does
not define me. It does however, have its moments of just pure
meanness. It won't kill me, although before Primodone, there were
times when I wished it would and in haste.
it doesn't do is let me sleep well. I have never been a restful
sleeper and I have never been a cheerful morning day-type person. My
mother was. 5:30 in the goddamned A of M, she'd be up, perking coffee
and singing with the birds and I wanted to go out and practice my
non-existent skill of skeet-shooting on her and her little feathered
friends. So, we differed in that particular behavior.
always been a night owl and as I grew to adulthood, music, besides
being the love of my life, was a great career, seeing as how the
industry, such as it is, had the decency to never start a rehearsal
before 10 a.m. Concerts were always in the evenings, or afternoons in
the Opera, and when I worked in IT, I usually worked late afternoon
shifts. It's been decades since I've had to live by an alarm clock,
and thank the Christ, the few times I've actually had to get up for
something, it was usually an operation or some medical test, that was
going to render me comatose, so I wouldn't care how miserable I felt
until 3:00 p.m.
like to tell people, “Yeah, I get up at the crack o' noon,” but
sometimes, it's as late as 3:00 or 4:00. When I first started taking
Primodone for my Parkinsonism, I was sleeping almost around the
clock. I thought, “Gee, this is terrific! No more tremors, but then
how would I know? I'm not awake enough to figure out if they're there
or not.”
my body adjusted to the drug, I began to sleep more like a normal
person, or at least I was hibernating less. I'm not sure what it was.
But, I found that as I did more and more, I still needed that 8 to 10
hours of sleep; that helps tremendously in keeping the tremors at
bay. The “inner core” tremor is the most horrible feeling in the
world, and when I'm tired or anxious, it comes back. Sleeping, and
eating, walking and exercising help all of that. I still have no
sense of smell, which on Nebraska Avenue, may be a good thing, when
we have one of our ferocious rains and the sewers back up. I really
didn't miss that lovely aroma over the summer.
I walk and continue to get stronger, I amaze myself. I am not
supposed to be able to walk briskly for three blocks carrying 19
pounds of crap from the Dollar Store, but I did just that very thing
today. Because I have COPD, and have had the lung function tests and
was told that I had a lung capacity of 43%, I thought, well, shit,
some day I am going to be on oxygen, but now, I wonder.
stopped smoking over 3 years ago, and I take Spiriva religiously.
Because of our stupid health care system in Florida and the United
States, even though the State of Florida and Hillsborough County
spent upwards of 500,000.00 dollars getting me back on my feet and
walking in 2010, when I was awarded my SSDI, I had to wait 2 years to
get anything resembling health care coverage, and I was unable to
have anything done about my COPD, so left untreated, it worsened.
Thank you, Rick Scott, you prick.
now, I find, that after nearly a year of treatment for my COPD, my
lung capacity has increased to the point where I run out of my
Spiriva inhalant before I run out of lung capacity, which means my
lung capacity has INCREASED, which I do not think is supposed to
happen. But, there are lots of things that have happened to me, that
were not supposed to have happened; per my physical therapist at TGH,
it was unlikely that I would walk again. I'm all over the place now
and stronger than I have been in decades. I think it's reverse
psychology. DON'T tell me I cannot do something, because I will prove
you wrong every goddamned time. I'm not a quitter; I have the
capacity to think strategically and think about things and stick with
something for the long haul. It's the persistence of persevering over
find it to be the same thing with writing. Crappy passage? Go back to
it later. If something is not working, I think for me, I need to
leave it alone and go to another well for inspiration and come back
to whatever my particular roadblock is later. If I continue to
frustrate myself, it just gets worse and I lose my voice. With that
in mind, I've found that it makes the editing process a little
easier, but messier, as I am not the most organized person in the
that's my check in. It wasn't the best week, but I got something
done. I hope everyone had a good week. It was freezing cold here in
Tampa, and astonishingly enough, it made me yearn for the frozen
tundra of Michigan and Lake Superior with my Daddy. Ah, he was
something else.
#row 80 sunday check in,
#row80 1st Qtr 2014,
Friday, January 10, 2014
come from a family of folks that hail from somewhere just south of
the Arctic Circle and for many years, we stomped and tromped our way
around the frozen parts of Michigan – at least within my memory; my
folks remembered something a bit harsher – and we spent weekends in
unheated cottages up near Lake Superior. Early mornings, crisp,
bright and absolutely still, my father would rustle me out of bed and
we would clamber into several layers of wool things; socks,
underwear, undershirts, and more layers of wool would follow. Coats,
scarves, mittens and then boots. My mother preferred to stay behind and cook breakfast; she didn't care for the cold weather much, but would play in the snow with me occasionally.
Both of my parents flew airplanes. For fun. I have no other words for this particular mania on their behalf.
and I would tramp off into the great outdoors and head over to the
eastern edge of Lake Superior. This lake is one of the deepest
fresh-water lakes in the world, surpassed only by Lake Baikal in
Siberia. The Superior is a force of nature unsurpassed for her beauty
and for her deadly intent. For here is where, the SS Edmund
Fitzgerald went down, on November 10, 1975. We could not know it
at the time, for this was in 1959, just a year after her launch, but even at the age of 4, I was
blessed with a father, with patience for my questions and who was fascinated with meteorology, and the
great outdoors. To him, Lake Superior, was a living, breathing
entity, and one not to be taken lightly.
This is a gorgeous picture, but it is also a reminder of how brutal the elements can be. The ice is thick, and this is a lighthouse on one of the Michigan Lakes. My guess would be Superior, but it could be any of them. The current cold snap is something I have experienced. In 1981, we saw temperatures as low as -51° F in the lower peninsula. Then, as now, it was warmer in Alaska.
would visit her off and on several times before we moved to
California, when I was seven, where I would grow up, only to return
to Michigan at the age of 21 for school. But as a child, and a very
curious one, I had a million questions, and a (mostly) patient father
who would answer everything to the best of his ability. If he didn't
know, he simply said he did not, and then he would make up some
outrageous lie to make me giggle.
My father took on a patina of either heroic proportions or monumental stupidity, but he actually flew B-29s up MIG alley with fighter escorts during the Korean Police Action and allowed himself to be shot at. I would have been back at the pilots' shack nursing a hangover for 2 years. Just kidding. I'm physically brave, but only on the ground.
are the biggest, strongest, most powerful guys in the universe. We
all know that and they are there to protect us from the Boogey Man.
My Daddy was particularly good at it, but he also was not above
giving me a good scare, when the opportunity presented itself. When
we came upon the Lake one early, frozen January morning, she was
keening. Like a woman mourning. The ice was being pushed from the
west and it was piling up on the eastern shoreline. There was a
slight wind, and the gentle motion of the water caused the ice shards
to rub against one another. It was eery.
I stood a bit behind him, he said, “It's okay, Mare, you can come
closer. They won't hurt you.” Feeling a bit concerned about who
“they” were, I said, “Um, okay, but who are “they”?” He
grinned, “Just the lost souls and their families who are mourning
the ones lost on the Lake over the years.”
little four-year old brain went into overdrive with this bit of new
information. “Are you SURE they can't come out and bite us, or
something?” I was becoming more concerned, and all of this
high-pitched keening wasn't helping. He looked out over the lake;
it's vastness made it seem more ocean than lake; the ice in front
moved, in time with the gentle rise and dip of the water.
looked back at me. “I'm pretty sure, but they might eat little
girls for breakfast.” I went from zero to 60, as fast as my legs
could carry me, but he caught me, mid-stride and swooped me up,
laughing. “You don't think I'm going to let them eat you, do you?”
And he tickled me. I laughed, fear forgotten. He carried me to the
edge and explained to me what made the keening sound.
the piled up ice rubs against itself and it squeaks, because it's so
dry. It's just the ice. Nothing to be afraid of.” I was fascinated.
We watched it for a while, and he put me down. We walked around parts
of the ice and the lake, and he talked about how deep and
ass-numbingly cold the lake is all year long, even in the summer. He
had grown up not far from the lake as a boy and was so taken with it,
that long after he and his sisters had moved away, he continued to
come and visit it. But, he respected it, for as he put it “she's a
the SS Edmund Fitzgerald went down on November 10, 1975, she
had been plying taconite iron ore from mines near Duluth, Minnesota
to Detroit, Michigan and Toledo, Ohio, where the iron works were
located. She had done so for 17 years, and was considered a
workhorse, as she set seasonal haul records 6 times, often beating
her own records. She also managed to entertain folks while passing
through the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers, and while passing through
Lakes Huron and Superior and the Soo Locks, with music and a running
commentary about the ship, provided by the intercom system and her
“DJ captain”. She endeared herself to many boat watchers. My
father and I used to go to the Soo Locks and watch the boats make
passage. It's an acquired taste, as the water runs in and out of the
locks, and the giant boats go up or down slowly, then move from lock
to lock. But they're huge, and mechanical. Did I mention I was a
crappy girl-child?
courtesy: Hour Stories, Mariner's Church of Detroit
The Launching of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald in 1958
she made her final run, she had a full cargo of iron pellets, and had
left from Superior Wisconsin, on November 9,1975. She was en route
to a steel mill in Detroit and
joined up with a second freighter the SS Arthur M.
Anderson, but by around noon the
next day, both ships were caught up in a ferocious winter storm on
Lake Superior, with near hurricane-force winds and waves up to 35
feet high. Shortly after 7:10 pm, Fitzgerald
suddenly sank in Canadian waters 530 feet deep and about 17 miles
from the entrance to Whitefish Bay, near the cities of Sault Ste.
Marie, Michigan and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. Fitzgerald
never reported any difficulty and no distress signals were sent
before she sank. All 29 souls aboard perished and none recovered.
Lightfoot captures the bleak, gray and cold and openness of the upper Great Lakes and the environs. It's probably the best depiction of a song that describes time and place that I've ever heard and it's haunting as well; you can almost hear the keening of the ice.
just cannot imagine being on a ship in seas like that. I've been on
boats in deep water, sailing, in swells of 10 feet or more, and that is fun,
but this must have been terrifying. Did the men have any time to know
that they were about to founder? Many were young; they must have had time to think of their young families and children, or were they taken that swiftly, with little time for thoughts of anyone, because of the brutally cold and fierce storm. Was it just one huge wave that took
them all to their deaths? Were they locked in such a fierce battle
for survival, that they were unable to call for help? It is still heartbreaking, almost 40 years later and for their families, not knowing, I wonder how they've managed all these years.
abound, studies, and expeditions have examined the cause of the
sinking. She may have fallen victim to high waves, suffered a mortal
injury, or been swamped with water. Perhaps she shoaled in a shallow
part of the Lake. Her sinking is one of the best-known disasters in
the history of Great Lakes shipping, due to Gordon Lightfoot's song,
“The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”.
November 10, throughout the day, on East Jefferson, at Mariner's Church, in Detroit, Michigan, the sinking is commemorated with the
ringing of the church's bell 29 times for each soul lost on that
voyage. Although I didn't live in Michigan during the sinking, I
returned to my home state shortly afterward. And, although Michigan
is a land-locked state, it is surrounded by the Great Lakes and in
that sense, Michigan is a sea-faring state; depending on which
website you look at, Michigan ranks as high as number 1, or as low as
number 9 for registered boats. Almost everyone is aware and
respectful of the huge power of those lakes. When I was able, I would
go and sit in my car, before a concert, or after a concert, or
rehearsal, and listen to the tolling of that bell, 29 times for the
29 lives lost on the Edmund Fitzgerald.
Gordon Lightfoot,
Great Lakes,
Lake Superior,
SS Arthur M. Anderson,
SS Edmund Fitzgerald
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Tonight, while running around on Runescape, which has been a tremendous amount of fun, since the release of Runescape 3 and the EOC, or Evolution of Combat, I’ve re-discovered that part of the contemporary music landscape that was so spectacular in the early Eighties. From about 1982 to about 1988 or 1989, there was a rich variety of popular styles that were cutting edge and fun. It was an eye-opener for me, because once I began college and started playing the viola in earnest, I pretty much had turned off every other form of music, except what would be termed Classical, i.e., music written from the late 1600s to the 20th century, but for symphonies, or chamber music, or smaller groups, and also, solo work for the viola.

I think I
began to realize this when I first played with the Moody Blues and of course,
this was a dream come true, as I had listened to “Days of Future Passed,” as a
kid growing up in Los Angeles, California. When I toured with them in the
summer of 1993, in between semesters of school when I discovered that my second
husband really didn’t want to be married to another violist and that I needed
another career, I also discovered that I was exploring for the first time a
whole new realm of musical expression. “Knights in White Satin” aside, it was a
bigger sonic high to rock ‘n’ roll my way through “Ride My See Saw,”
orchestrated by the awesome conductor/orchestrator Larry Greene then I could
ever imagine. That was a hell of a summer and I found I enjoyed road work. I would play for Larry Greene off and on for over 3 decades.
I would have
more opportunities for this when I made the move from Detroit to Florida; and
another dream was realized as well. I worked for IBM, puzzling through problems
and mazes in what eventually became a 3rd level IT position. I was
bestowed the calls with cooties; the calls Tiers 1 and 2 could not fix, either
OS/2 calls, or WORDPRO or Ami Pro calls. From the earliest of times, we had odd
programs like, XYWrite and the ever-present Word Perfect 5.1, a hit with legal
offices everywhere, and the most complicated text-oriented word-processing
program I’ve ever run across. Corel finally bought the rights to that and it
disappeared into obscurity, as did WORDPRO, a Lotus product that was built off
of Ami Pro, which was purchased by IBM and added to its LOTUS Suite package as
an answer to Microsoft Office. Although
still around, and still superior in my humble opinion, WORDPRO jumped the shark
with its contextual-driven menus and features that would be much more at home
in an old-style front-end type-setting business than part of a small
home-office suite. Most of the Lotus products, such as Notes bear the same
This is better and more reliable than anything Microsoft, JAVA or GOOGLE does. I'm going back to UBUNTU and Chromium. This post is being written in Fire Fox, because dumbass Chrome wants me to login to insert a picture from my "online storage". This is not the first time this idiot program has mistaken me for someone who cared enough about my pictures to save them in "online storage" or for anyone else. The last time we went round and round, none of their stupid fixes worked and I ended up with the Kluge From Hell. It worked and I will share it for millions of dollars, because Google sure as hell doesn't know how to fix "Your Profile Could Not Be Opened. . ." but I do, and YOU, Google, YOU don't! Get your shit together and fix your crap. So there!
Well, this
started out as a blast from the past about music and ended up with a comparison
of old software packages, maybe appropriately enough. At least it is timely;
today is the day I want to post my goals, whatever they may be for this minute
only, for #ROW80 and #IWSG. I’m actually writing this in Word 2010, and am not wild
about the program. I like Open Office 4.0 and think I will continue to write in
that. . . Today, was “errand” day, never a joy. Public transportation is a
chore and even though we have Express buses, you have to wait and there are the
usual, ahem, interesting denizens of Nebraska Avenue. They were fairly chill
today, as it has been ass-numbingly cold here in Tampa.
People loom
in the murk of the bus like so many badly-dressed yetis; wool scarves with “Go
Beavers!” tied on heads, or some other equally inane phrase. “Be An Asset, Not An
Ass!” is screaming on a lime-green scarf sported by one of the meth-heads,
skinny as a rail, with ill-fitting, ratty jacket, scorching-yellow hospital
footie-socks and purple clogs. The guy is 6’8” and looks to weigh 125 lbs. I
can’t see any eyes, because the “Be An Asset. . .” scarf is met around
eye-level by a hat with a pom-pom and earflaps in some kind of dung-brown
We all
recognize this, because we’ve all gotten this crap from the same outfitters:
Metropolitan Ministries, The Hillsborough County Jail, or Homeless Recovery and
it’s all been swapped back and forth a billion times. Some of it is so
threadbare, as to be nearly transparent. Or, if we’re getting checks, we sport
Dollar Store apparel. A step up, but it’s all the same thing. This year, it’s
leopard or cheetah print. Last year it was zebra. By 2016, we should have the
whole Zoo collection of Dollar Store wear and accessories to match. Since I’m
approaching crazy-old-bat-shit insane cat-collector age, it’s appropriate. I
can pull off the Edith Prickley collection pretty well. All I lack is the
leopard/cheetah turban, matching cat-eyed glasses, and bright-red lipstick.
I could totally pull this off; with my dark glasses, which are rather retro anyway. It'll give the 'bangers another reason to cross the street when they see me coming. They already know I'm shit-house insane!
No one would
bat an eye anyway, out here on Nebraska Avenue. Here is a guy with spit-curls,
only he has what looks to be aluminum foil wrapped tightly to his scalp. It’s
stunning, all right. “A lightning waitin’ to happen,” as Alex says. There’s my
friend from FSJ, going to Gasparilla in her. . . pajamas. Why the hell not?
Pink flannel with footies and teddy bears on them. That’s okay, because the
same friend gave me a glamorous black wrap-around thing with a belt. I proudly
wore it all over town, until someone said, “Mary, why in the hell are you
wearing your bathrobe?” I looked at the someone blankly and said, “I’m. . .
cold?” At least it was a step up from the hospital blanket I had been wearing
about town as a “cape” which I never thought to call it such, until a bus
driver helpfully pointed out that it was laying in the bus aisle, as I was
getting off the bus to go to the Mental Health Clinic, seeing as how I needed
some. “Hey, lady! You dropped your. . . (slight hesitation) cape.” I grabbed my
blanket and flung it Zorro-style around my neck and proclaimed, “I’ll. . . Be
Back!” in my best Ahnold Schwarzenegger imitation, which is pretty lousey,
especially for a musician.
So, my goals
are the same; keep editing “Music of the Spheres” and adding to the “B” story,
which is thin. Polish all the essays from my original posts in “Homeless
Chronicles in Tampa” to set for an e-book publishing and write here for #ROW80
every day (as much as possible) and for #IWSG. As lots of questions when I
really start to tear into the novel, because I have not clue one as to how I’m
doing. Having no inclination to subject myself to anyone I do not know in
person, without a prior introduction, I will be trying to participate in
writing workshops and the like. My health has been good. I feel better than I
have felt in decades and I’m ready to move on. So, I’m getting’ my show on the
#IWSG January 2014 Check in,
#row80 1st Qtr 2014,
#Row80 1st QTR Wednesday Check in,
Monday, January 6, 2014
Well, for once, I may have actually gotten a jump on something. Being a violist, we are proverbially late, clueless and short of the mark. We supposedly aren’t good enough to play violin, so we switched to viola and slithered into orchestras by nefarious means. Horse feathers. Unfortunately, I can play the violin, and apparently, well enough to fool stupid people into giving me money to play it, although my preference has always been for the viola, and who wouldn’t want to play viola when you own such a viola as I do. My violins were never nearly as good as my viola. The only kinship they shared is that they were all made of wood, and there the similarities stopped. The violins I owned were mere peons; my viola is a member of the Italian aristocracy, and is eager to let everyone know at every opportunity.
At one point,
when I was hired for my first violin “gig” I didn’t own a violin, and rented
one. A student model, as I recall with metal strings, tuners and tape on the
fingerboard for the people unfortunate enough to have been trained in the
“Suzuki” method, wherein everything is by rote, and you can have an ear made of
the finest tin; intonation not required. Nor is interpretation, passion, or
finding your own “voice”. Thus, we have armies of automatons on the violin,
playing the same way, same out-of-tuneness, same vibrato, and just. . . gah!
I played that
bastard loud and proud for some kind of Elvis tour, wherein all of Elvis’ old
sidemen were present and Elvis was up on a screen. I played 1st
violin and sat between the Concertmaster, an old colleague from Michigan and an old friend from the Concertgebouw
who had a non-cordial hate for one another. I guess I was the de-militarized
zone of the first violin section. All of the old muscle memory in place and it
was as if reading in soprano clef had never left. Every time the two
antagonists would seem to want to have a go at bows-at-20-paces during “Aint’
Nothin’ But a Hound Dog,” I took that as my cue to fling my hair around and
emote wildly. There was a cameraman recording this whole hallucinatory event; the three of us were on-air more than Eblis was. Egad!
And then there were the “admirer-impersonators”, to be found at every stop we made; from whole families decked out in silver and gold lamé jumpsuits, with flared legs, Beatle boots, or “cockroach killer” shoes and pompadours, teased, combed and sprayed with what looked like flat black paint for outdoor metal furniture, alá Rustoleum, complete with black, eyebrow-pencil mutton-chop sideburns. They all seemed to think we were holding auditions, as we were regaled with everything from impressions of “Thaank yuu, vury mushhh…” to warbling out-of-tune a capella renditions of “Jailhouse Rock”. My personal favorite was the guy from Brazil, who came trotting up to me as I was getting into my car and leaving Sunrise, Florida for Jacksonville, for our next sold-out performance.
I guess everybody's gotta have a hobby. Most of the impersonators who traipsed after us were horrid, and they usually had embarrassed families in tow. Still, they were harmless enough, and picturesque to say the least!
He asked me
if I was one of the “dancers”, which was a good one, as there were no dancers,
either in the 40-foot high hologram of Elvis or on stage. I turned around to
get a look at this cat, as he had caught me putting my crappy rental violin in
the back seat of my Cougar, and I almost started laughing. First off, he was my height, 5' 4" and I was wearing flats. He had the whole
Eblis thing going on, but he was also wearing sunglasses at 11 pm and he had on
a tiny red cape, like some junior Count Dracula, or Superman. His flared legs on his silver lamé jumpsuit were too short and
I could see his white socks, peeking out over the tops of his Beatle boots. The suit was also too small for him and he had this little
man-cameltoe-nutsack thing going on, although I had to sneak surreptitious glances, as I didn't want this guy to think I was interested. Well, I was, but not in THAT way.
As best I could and keeping a straight face, I pointed to a bus in the very back of the parking lot, that had brought in a batch of Q-tipped old bats from the Old Folks' Home and said that was where the “dancers” were. Off he went. This was one of my more memorable tours, playing fiddle, or violin, but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.
As best I could and keeping a straight face, I pointed to a bus in the very back of the parking lot, that had brought in a batch of Q-tipped old bats from the Old Folks' Home and said that was where the “dancers” were. Off he went. This was one of my more memorable tours, playing fiddle, or violin, but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.
When word got
out that I had a passing acquaintance with the violin, although when I picked
up and played the rental fiddle, it had been over 30 years since I had played one,
more idiots decided I should earn some money playing the violin. If there were
no viola spots available, as in the case of “West Side Story,” or “Cats,” I
played violin and ran gibbering and capering off into the night with my
ill-earned lucre, until the next gig came along.
So, what does
all this blathering have to do with the first post of #ROW80, 2014. Well, for one
thing, I have a, uh, “finished” manuscript of a novel that I pretty much
created out of whole cloth as I went along during NaMoWriMo 2013, which I “won”
by finishing, prior to the deadline of November 30th, 2013, with
some 50,967 words. I’m used to writing rhetorical things and posing arguments
and swiftly cutting people off at the knees when they are being 50 Shades of
Ass in written form. This was a whole different arena and it was an
enlightening one, as well as a confusing one. I shall not trot out the cliché
of “humbling” because I didn’t feel that. What I mostly felt was a whole lot of
confusion and at one point, panic, when I thought I had cut-and-pasted over
some huge passage that was working, or seemed to at the time.
I had backups
stashed everywhere and I had a format laid out that I immediately abandoned,
because I naïvely thought that I would adhere to a strict schedule, as I did
when I blogged every day. I quickly found that this is an entirely different
process, at least for me. I know that different things work for different
people and cannot even begin to guess at how people like Stephen King or Colin
Falconer have managed the prodigious output in the span of their lifetimes.
Admittedly, I came late to the rodeo, so maybe this will all become clearer
later on. I have gone back and looked at just the stuff I’ve written for my
various blogs, and for the span of time I have devoted to writing, it is in the
sort-of small to medium range; nowhere near to prodigious.
I had fun with the computer systems at IBM, but the people at Verizon were much more random than the computers. Go figure. I can make Boolean logic look emo.
The old adage
applies, perseverance over time. Practice, practice, practice, whether it’s the
viola, or my other career; IT. I held a 4.0 GPA in Mathematics which was
astonishing because I totally sucked at it in high school. As some of you may
know, my 2nd husband, a violist, was very disappointed when the
Zither Fairy did not appear after we were wed, although we met on a gig playing
violas. I'm not sure which of us was the stupider one. Probably me, because I married the schnook. I won the gig with the Moody Blues and he did not, so he
pouted. Jesus; men. So, I went back to school and picked a subject I thought radically different than music; computer science. Seeing as how I was so *meh*
in math in high school, I really dug in, because studying higher maths become
intense: calculus and trigonometry, differentials, matrices, and complex
numbers were worked and re-worked. I used the same discipline that I used when
I was in Music School. I don’t believe that I have a natural ability with
numbers, but I studied 8 hours a day every day and I knew I was smart enough to
“get it” if I applied myself.
Music is
something I was born to do, and come hell or high water, I will again.
Practicing, tremor-free, is a joy, but slow going. I expected this, but I feel
better than I have felt in decades. Computers I will always have and with 4 in
the house now – JC and Alex bought me a Quadcore to run alongside my Dualcore –
I can build virtual machines and do more consulting work. When I worked from
home for 3 years prior to losing my 2nd house because the Rent to
Buy people went bankrupt and the banks would not turn the house over to me, I
was ill and tired. I had to leave my job. But recently, my old boss has gotten
wind of the fact that just maybe, I might be available to do some special
projects for him. That would be awesome.
For another thing, I wrote this post a DAY early, which is also been unlike me of late; I need to get my groove back, so, my goals
this round are to go back to what I did when I first joined #ROW80; I plan on
posting something on this blog,
every day, even if it is something I am using as a writing prompt, something
humorous, or something that has outraged me and I am just venting. I am going to make sure that I join in on #IWSG, the first Wednesday of every month. I am also
going to continue on my editing of the “hot mess” that is “Music of the
Spheres,” with Commander Skip Bombardier and the “Alien Undead Underground
Railroad,” or the “Undead Alien Underground Railroad,” which has a much better
ring to it, I think. Will the Commander, along with the Captains of the Air
Force, Glenn Miller and Glenn Wallace be able to save the day with the Lost
Boys and Gurlz of SoulZ and the confused, meandering, albeit good-hearted aid
of some very clueless violists who thought they were going to Comic-Con, but
ended up at the Annual NSA Spy vs Spy convention and got more than they
bargained for? We shall see.
In the
meantime, I have a lot of heavy lifting to do. Write what you know and research
the hell out of the rest. Better yet, run it through some folks who may have
actually done whatever it is you’re asking your readers to buy into. I’ll give
it a shot!
#NanoWrimo 2013 winner,
#ROW80 2014,
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
List Of The Day: Horse Masks Of The Day
List Of The Day: Horse Masks Of The Day
We've all been sick and what not, but if you haven't seen these, you must check out my friend's LOTD blog, "Horse Masks Of The Day"
We've all been sick and what not, but if you haven't seen these, you must check out my friend's LOTD blog, "Horse Masks Of The Day"
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